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Touring with Ann and Jon

Jon and Ann Wineland have been touring enthusients for many years and after I had shown an interest in touring myself, Jon, Ann and I took off on a couple tours.


The first tour was in 2005. This journey took us around the south central area of Indiana. Starting in Madison, In and ride to Spring Mill State Park for night #1 and then to Starve Hollow State Park for night #2.


The second tour was the following year 2006. This journey was in southwest corner of Ohio. Our starting point was in Hamilton, Oh, north on the Little Miami Trail to Zenia, Ohio. for night #1. Then night #2 was in southcentral part of Ohio to Hillsburo, Oh. 


Both trips have been very educational for me. Since then I have a done a couple rides by myself, using ths knowledge that Jon and Ann had shared with me. 

2005 Tour

2006 Tour

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